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Interior Design


Coming from Nebraska to Los Angeles 16 years ago was a little challenging to say the least.  I began my career with a designer, who shortly after I was hired, bought Studio Designer as a program which I learned exclusively.  Since then I have become a full time specialist in Studio Designer.  This is the premier Design program that all Interior Designers should have their company use to make their projects the most manageable and their company the most profitable.


Over the course of sixteen years I have had the pleasure of working with amazing Interior Designers, including the most talented Joe Nye.  Joe taught me the most about the Interior Design industry as a whole and also gave me the experience to facilitate and operate Studio Designer to it's fullest. The past seven years I have enjoyed working with clients all over the country, overseeing and managing their projects and bookkeeping. We offer both in office services in the Los Angeles area and services remotely for clients all over the United States. 


Over and over again, it's always the same complaint when I talk with a new client," I love the design part of my job but I hate the bookkeeping."  At Studio Design Bookkeeper, we teach you that having your books current at all times leads to less stress and more profit. "We alleviate the Bookkeeping Time so that you can Design"

Lee Ann Wyatt



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